Gay bar new orleans

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The parlor is a meeting point, sitting room, library (videos and books) and “cyber-cafe” – we have free wireless Internet throughout the house – all in one. And there is a parlor and a galley kitchen for the guests to share. We share the courtyard, spa, porches and the dining room with our guests. The Burgundy Bed and Breakfast has 4 guest rooms, each with its own private bath. The guests of our B and B accommodations are a perfect mix of lesbians, gay men and straight men and women – come enjoy our Louisiana hospitality, as we cater to your individual wants and needs! We can guide you to many local sites and attractions – including restaurants, shopping, music clubs and lesbian and gay New Orleans bars. The Burgundy is a small and cozy gay owned and operated New Orleans Bed & Breakfast Inn in the Faubourg Marigny, just a few blocks from the French Quarter.

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